Community Outreach

We are Proud to offer Outreach Programs to Promote a Healthy Community!

We are proud to regularly collaborate with other non-profits and educational institutions in our mission to provide meaningful programs in preventative interventions for at-risk communities, improved continuum of care and easy access to 24/7/365 ON DEMAND ambulance service provided with thoughtful concern to cost.

Please browse our offerings of outreach programs below which are all offered for FREE or LOW COST (to cover expenses) in group settings.

To request more information about the below services, or any other outreach opportunities, please e-mail

Identification for First Responders

Help us help you take charge of your medical records!  During our visit we will assist your community in deploying medical ID cards (additional wearables may be purchased at a later date) which allow community members to store as much medical and other relevant information as they desire to be made available to first responders at a moment's notice.

Health Screening

Help us raise awareness in your community to recognize and prevent chronic disease in the community through awareness by scheduling a community screening with us today!  Screenings include comprehensive blood pressure and blood glucose examinations, education and allow us to also assist in furthering research to help others.

Bleeding Control

Help your community build resilience by better preparing to save lives by raising awareness of basic actions to stop life threatening bleeding following everyday emergencies and man-made and natural disasters. 

Hands Only CPR

Hands-only CPR can be delivered by bystanders prior to first responder arrival and can significantly improve a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival.